Terms & Conditions and Email Disclaimer

Centaur Asset Management (Pty) Ltd – Website Terms & Conditions and Email Disclaimer


Investors should take cognisance of the fact that there are risks involved in buying or selling any financial product, and past performance of a financial product is not necessarily indicative of the future performance. The value of financial products can increase as well as decrease over time, depending on the value of the underlying securities and market conditions.

This website does not constitute a solicitation, invitation or investment recommendation and prior to selecting a financial product or fund it is recommended that investors seek specialised financial, legal and tax advice.

For more information on our funds and full disclosure of costs and fees, please refer to the product offering on this website.
The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern any claim relating to or arising from the contents of this site.

Ownership and Copyright

Copyright in all website content (“content”) made available through this web site is protected by intellectual property law. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, retransmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication, broadcast or other use, or exploitation of this material will constitute an infringement of such protection.

The copyright in all material of Centaur Asset Management (Pty) Ltd (“Centaur”) published on this web site shall continue to vest in Centaur. Your access to this website, and the information contained on it, does not in any way convey or transfer any right in or to the intellectual property rights of Centaur.

If you so wish, Centaur hereby authorises you to view, copy, download to a local drive, print and distribute the content of this web site, or any part thereof, if:

  • The content is used for personal information purposes only; and
  • The content is used for non-commercial purposes. You are expressly prohibited from incorporating any material of Centaur’s proprietary material from this web site in any other work, publication or web site;
  • any reproduction of Centaur content from this web site or portion thereof must include this notice in its entirety. The trademarks, logos and service marks and may not be used without the written permission of the owner thereof.


This web site is only intended to provide general information regarding Centaur and its products and services and it is not intended to provide exhaustive information of any subject dealt with.
The information in this web site including, without limitation, all research, opinions or other content is therefore not intended, nor does it constitute financial, accounting, tax, legal, investment, consulting or other professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action, which might affect your personal finances or business, you should consult your own professional advisors.
This web site could include technical, typographical or other inaccuracies and you are urged to contact Centaur to confirm all information contained on these pages prior to placing reliance thereon. Centaur expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to alter or amend any criteria or information set out in this web site without notice.

Cookie Policy

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No Offer

No information or content contained on these pages should be construed as an offer by Centaur. All services offered by Centaur are subject to signature of the appropriate application forms and other documentation relating thereto and are governed by the standard terms and conditions of Centaur in respect thereof and Centaur shall not be bound in any manner until a formal written agreement has been entered into. Centaur reserves the right to reject in its discretion any application submitted for services contained on this web site.

Transmission of Information

Information transmitted via the Internet, including e-mail, is susceptible to monitoring and interception. You are discouraged from transmitting to Centaur any information, which may be confidential, proprietary or sensitive. You shall bear all risk of transmitting such information in this manner and under no circumstances will Centaur be liable for any loss, harm or damage suffered by you as a result thereof. Centaur reserves the right to request independent verification of any information transmitted via e-mail.

Links to Third Party Sites

Centaur may provide hypertext links to websites on the Internet which are operated by third parties. Visitors are advised to use caution and discretion when searching or accessing such links. Under no circumstances does Centaur take responsibility for the content and/or services or products offered on third party websites that may be linked to this website and Centaur gives no warranty, guarantee and makes no representation in respect of such linked websites.


This web site and the information contained therein is provided “as is” and without warranty whether expressed or implied thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

  • Centaur does not warrant that the web site or information will be error-free or will meet any particular criteria of accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, performance or quality. Centaur expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy; and
  • Whilst Centaur has taken reasonable measures to ensure the integrity of this web site and its contents, no warranty, whether express or implied is given that any files, downloads or applications available via this web site are free of viruses, trojans, bombs, time-locks or any other data or code which has the ability to corrupt or affect the operation of your system

Email Disclaimer

This email is confidential and may contain privileged or copyright information. You may not present this message to another party without consent from the sender. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender and delete this email, and you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

This email is not a binding agreement and does not conclude an agreement without the express confirmation by the sender’s superior or a director of the Company.
Centaur does not certify that this email is free from viruses or defects.
Centaur does not consent to its employees sending unsolicited emails which contravene the law. In the event that you feel this email is such, please notify Centaur in order for the appropriate corrective action to be taken.
Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Any actions taken on the basis of this email are at the reader’s own risk.
The sender of this email is expressly required not to make any defamatory statements. Any such communication is contrary to company policy and outside the scope of the employment of the individual concerned. Centaur will not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising.

Risk and No Liability

Your use of this web site and the information contained therein is entirely at your own risk and you assume full responsibility in respect of any loss or damage resulting from the use thereof. Neither Centaur, its affiliated companies, holding company, subsidiaries or subsidiaries of its holding company, or their officers, agents, consultants or employees shall be liable for any direct, consequential or indirect loss or damages suffered by a visitor or any other person relating to the use of this web site or the information contained therein.

The visitor hereby indemnifies Centaur and its suppliers from and against any and all losses, liability, cost or damages suffered or incurred by a visitor or any other person arising out of or in connection with the use of the website or any other website which can be accessed from this website, however such loss or liability may occur, and whether such loss or liability is foreseeable, financial, personal, consequential, incidental or otherwise.


These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Product Disclaimer

The value of investments may go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future.